Saturday, June 28, 2014

Kualiti dan Ramadhan kita


Ramadhan telah pun menjelang dan bermulalah episod baru dalam kehidupan kita sebagai seorang muslim.

Tiap kali bulan Ramadhan, antara perkara yang paling seronok buat kanak-kanak adalah mungkin apabila tiba saat untuk berbuka puasa dan menjamah juadah yang disukai.

atau mungkin juga keseronokan memecahkan belon pada waktu tengah hari dan berbuka dengan gula-gula dalam belon yang dipecahkan . 


Namun, untuk seorang yang telah dewasa, mungkin yang paling seronok adalah ketika sekeluarga bersama-sama bersolat tarawikh dan mungkin juga beriktikaf bersama-sama yang tersayang di masjid-masjid terpilih.


Namun, bukanlah keseronokan itu yang dikejar-kejar. 

Bukan juga makanan yang sedap-sedap itu jadi topik kita.

Tapi sejauh mana amal kita, sejauh mana tiap detik masa kita dipergunakan untuk mengingatNya

dan juga sejauh mana Ramadhan planning tahunan kita berjaya.

menjadi abid yang sebenar-benar.

Saat menginjak umur 23 tahun ini, makin banyak perkara perlu difikirkan.

makin banyak perkara perlu dipelajari sebagai seorang pendidik. 

saya, dari kecil lagi telah dididik untuk menjadi seorang guru.


mak memang gemar melihat anak-anak perempuannya jadi seorang guru.

Katanya mudah.

Banyak masa di rumah.


tapi bagi saya, menjadi seorang guru punya lebih banyak tanggungjawab. 

Terkadang meletihkan.

Juga menjemukan.


Tetapi apabila difikirkan, kualiti tiap kerja itu yang perlu diambil kira dan dimuhasabahkan oleh tiap dari kita. 

Berbalik kepada kata-kata Deming, the quality is the most important.

its just that, 


Andai sesuatu perkara kita ambil secara lewa, buat secara main-main, 

Sebenarnya semua perkara pun kita buat sambil lewa.

Lalu apa pengajarannya?

Serius dan bersungguhlah dalam tiap kerja yang dilakukan, kerna itu juga mencerminkan bagaimana kita melakukan kerja-kerja yang lainnya. 

moga kita beramal, moga kita mencapai redhanya! 

salam ramadhan daripada osem home tutors. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Focusing on the EXPERT #3


Again…. Back to Deming suggestion…
They were success as they make quality their number-one priority after World War II
and our seeming lack of concern today that only a few students in any secondary school do
what we, or even they, would call high-quality schoolwork.

Like the automakers in the seventies who concentrated on building

HIGH PROFITS cars and might have gone BANKRUPT due to unrestricted competition.

SIMILAR to our school nowadays which focused on trying to get more students to do enough work,

 even though that work is almost never high quality, to reach the low low-quality standard required for graduation.

Therefore, we could conclude here that as long as students never believe that there is quality in what they are asked to do, and the importance of their quality school work, our school will be the same for the next becoming years ahead.


The problem now is how to make students doing quality work?
It’s not easy but we can do it with full effort and passion.
It is the job of manager to manage so that the workers or the students can easily see
A STRONG CONNECTION between what they are asked to do and what they believe is quality.


Now, let’s look at the example of people mind-set about QUALITY SCHOOL.

This is not to say that private schools are actually better than public schools, but only that they are perceived to be so by many people, including many teachers.

I know that it would be extremely difficult to come up with and exact definition of quality education that would apply to all situations.

Even without being able to define it, however, we can almost always recognize quality when we see it.

Ask any school administrator to take you through the school and show you some HIGH-QUALITY
work in any subject area, and I am certain that you will agree that what you are shown is quality.

In this case, we would conclude that better teaching is actually better managing.
The question now is, how to have quality work by better managing?

Here's the answer...
Before we go through how to have better managing, let’s go through the main problem.
Ask our students about their school and surely most would say “BORING”
I am also a teacher and I know how it feels when students directly say such word.
The main complaint of our students was not that the work was too hard, but that it was boring, and this complaint was and still is valid.

For example, it is deadly boring to memorize facts that neither we, nor anyone know, will ever use except for a test in school.

The most obvious measure of the effective teachers we remember is that they were not boring; somehow or other when they asked us to do was SATISFYING to us. 

As a teacher, we are the one who responsible to make our class and students to be interested with what we are teaching in class.

Effective teacher would never make her/his students feel boring and consequently having low quality work...


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Focusing on the EXPERT #2


THE KEY for the excellent school and students are depending on

How the managers manage the school.
Who is the managers here?


The teachers are the first-level managers, and the 
administrators are are middle and upper-level managers.
The students are the workers of the school, and high-quality work, 
whether it is waiting on tables or academics,
is the difference between the success or failure of the organization. 

As in industry, the productivity of any school depends mostly
on the skill of those who directly manage the workers-the teachers.

But according to Deming, their success depends almost completely
on how well they, 
in turn, 
are managed by the administrators above them. 


Its all about mind-setting
Why we have low-quality schoolwork from students?
Why students feel bored at school?

Its all about how these managers manage the school....


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Focusing on the EXPERT #1

lets build a quality school kredit

Picture the students in a required academic class at a randomly selected secondary school 
as a gang of street repair workers. 
If they were working as hard as the students do in class,
 half or more would be leaning on their shovels, smoking, 
and socializing, perfectly content to let the others to do the work.
 Of those who were working, few would be working hard and it is likely that 
none would be doing high-quality work. 


It is apparent, however, that students have thought about quality
 and have a good idea of what in their school, is considered 

I have talked at length to groups of high school students
 about this subject, and most of them see quality in 
athletics, music and drama, 

a few see it in advanced placement academics or shop classes, but almost none see it in 

While they believe they are capable of doing quality work in class, all but a very few admit that they 
have never done it and have no plans to do it in the future. 


Here is the solution


but if quality education is what we need, does it make much difference whether a student stays
in school and 'leans on his shovel' or  drops out and 'lean on his shovel'? 

For me, its maybe the time for us to look for the example of organizations
 in which almost all workers are working hard and
 doing a quality job and
 try to apply to the schools what the managers in these places are doing?

  Although not widely known or applied in our country YET, there are far better management practices than most school managers know about. 



Now we get to learn something as well as in today's competitive world, 
only organizations whose products 
and services are high quality thrive, and our schools are far from thriving. 

Lets guess who is the man who taught managers to manage 
so that almost all workers do high-quality work.........

jeng jeng

its ....

[Quoting from Dr Myron Tribus]

"The man who taught the Japanese to achieve high quality at low-cost (after World War II) is an American, Dr. W.Edwards Deming...
The Japanese faced and 'export and die' situation. They 
had a reputation for shoddy products...
But... the situation change after MacArthur government, 
they located Dr Deming, and he proceeded 
to teach them the methods rejected by our managers. 
The rest is history."

What the history tells us actually?

Its about the Japanese workers, 
led by managers trained by Dr Deming, for the first time
in modern history made very high-quality products.

What's the proof?
The automobiles and electronics made in Japan 
are most available at a price the average person could afford. 
Given the opportunity to get high quality for the same price as low quality,  
consumers are stampeding toward "made in Japan", and the result is that 
Japan is now one of the world's richest countries. 


And now after many years Dr. Deming introduced his ideas
 so successfully in Japan, 
some people have become critical of both 
how the Japanese now manage and of American managers 
who claim to be using the same ideas. 


Our main point here is not about the Japanese or American ideas but 
its about how we could apply such efficient system in our school and gain the quality works of our students.


students are not only the workers in the school but they are also the products.

Believing that, 
once they see that they themselves are gaining in quality, 
they will make an effort to continue this option, 

just as we continue to buy the quality products of Japan. 

Therefore, what is the key for the excellent products 'made in Japan'? 

